Mass Sentencing of Labor Activists, Journalists Prelude to Reign of Repression Under New Judiciary Chief
محکومیت فعالان کارگری ، وروزنامه نگاران بر عهده رئیس جدید قوه قضائیهسرکوبگراست
Seven Sentenced to Lengthy Jail Terms in Connection with Peaceful Protests
September 9, 2019—Less than a year after workers’ rights activists in southwestern Iran publicized evidence that Intelligence Ministry agents had tortured detainees, those same activists and four independent journalists who covered their cases have been sentenced to lengthy prison terms.
“The sentences are an indicator that newly appointed Judiciary Chief Ehrabim Raisi intends to prolong his predecessor’s reign of repression by punishing peaceful activism through arbitrary arrests and kangaroo courts,” said Hadi Ghaemi, executive director of the Center for Human Rights in Iran (CHRI).